This is my why
I love writing. One day in, having announced to clients and Linked In that I’m taking a break from copywriting, I know it.
I love helping people. Giving them something they can’t or struggle to create themselves.
I had a pasty with my graphic designer pal a couple of weeks ago. He asked me if I’d write a few blogs and case studies for him.
“Sure” I said.
Fast forward 10 days and the copywriting gods had conspired to serve up a little run of knock-backs; a client who hadn’t paid but wanted more work, clients who couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t feedback, tricky briefing, conflicting opinions to appease, the isolation of writing/creating/thinking alone and I concluded I was done.
Perhaps freelancing wasn’t for me. Or copywriting.
I decided to stop.
I’d rather do something else than do this badly.
A day in and I crumbled. I needed to write.
I huddled up with my laptop and a cuppa and wrote the graphic designer’s blog and case study as promised.
He was thrilled and didn’t change a word (although it would have been perfectly fine if he had), adding “thank you, I couldn’t have done that.”
Just as I couldn’t come up with a logo or design an exhibition stand!
It meant the world.
In that instant, my faith was restored.
To be able to do something for someone that they might struggle with, is a gift.
And that’s all I want to do.
I know my writing style doesn’t suit everyone. It doesn’t have to.
I’ve written for A LOT of sectors, but I’m not super human.
There’s a glut of writers out there and they’ll all tell you they can write for you.
But what I offer is the experience (& flexibility) to get up to speed quickly, push back when I think we can do better; hear your brand voice loud ‘n’ clear (if you can), understand your audiences (if you can), what keeps them awake at night, why you fit for them and articulate it.
Then my job’s done. And my heart will sing!
Having developed, briefed and run marketing campaigns for 10 years in ad agencies and then on my own for 10; I’m used to the briefing process, I know how to dig out the USP, see the gold in what you offer and deliver.
But I also know the pitfalls.
For any client/copywriter relationship to work there’s got to be a few things in the mix:
Trust. Likeability. Communication. Switched on listening ears. Understanding. Time. Respect. And a bit more Trust.
If you’re looking to drive a creative thinker down a rabbit run of magnolia, you don’t mind sloppy or you want quick ‘n’ easy, then I’m not your gal.
I’m here to do work I’ll be proud of.
So while I work on that, I think perhaps blogging for myself might just help for a while.