Copywriter on a Mission
Just before Christmas I had a funny episode. Well, in hindsight I can snigger, but at the time I wasn’t laughing. The ambulance men, who were with us within minutes of my husband calling, suggested I’d had a TIA.
Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA) are like a “mini stroke” where blood supply to the brain is temporarily disrupted.
I didn’t lose consciousness, just visual disturbance and the ability to find words. A bit like dysphasia.
My 14 year old son, tasked with “keeping me talking” - while my husband rushed around Googling strokes and dialling 999 - asked “where did that come from?” pointing at the embroidered poppy on my lapel. I remember hearing him and being fully aware of the answer but having no clue how to access the words to articulate an answer.
“I can’t, I can’t…” was all I could stammer.
Within a few minutes and further failed attempts, the blankness had lifted and the words were forming clearly again - as if it had never been an effort - enabling me to answer questions the ambulance crew posed, embarrassed by the fuss, keen to free them up for a more deserving call-out.
I turned 50 only a few weeks before - was this really how the next decade looked?!?
They ran a few tests, referred me to a TIA clinic - news to me, we have one in our little town - and surmised that in all likelihood I’d had a migraine, but with no “killer test” (their words, not mine!) to rule out TIA, I’d need scans and tests.
Everything’s come back clear and my risk factors are minimal, so that’s good. For now I’m on aspirins and check-ups.
The irony hasn’t been lost on me though. A copywriter temporarily losing the ability to come up with words.
If anything, it’s brought what I do acutely into focus and given me an almighty kick up the ass.
If I’m going to continue copywriting, I may as well be useful! There are plenty of brands out there doing great work, but just not communicating it clearly enough in their copy. There’s too much detail, jargon and overload. In a massively overcrowded space. No wonder consumers end up confused, turned off and skip out!
They need to be told straight. Why should I care?!?!
I love writing. But more importantly, I love flushing out what makes a brand’s offering unique and necessary to a buyer.
I see it clearly and quickly. Ironically it’s often the last thing they say or write down. What a client thinks is insignificant or obvious from their spot - slap bang at its epicentre - is often the very thing their audience needs to hear.
I bring clear perspective. And words.
Like you, I’ve no idea how long I’ll be doing this gig. All I know is that every copywriting job I do from here on in, needs to be part of a movement to make things better. For people, communities and the planet.
To have purpose. To connect. To create positive impact.
I found COP26 captivating and horrifying in equal measure. So, I’m showing up to do my bit.
My mission for 2022.
To write for brands committed to making a positive impact for people, communities and the planet. To give them the copy they need to articulate their messaging clearly and quickly. Let’s use the time we have wisely, and be smarter about the words we use.
Tell it straight.
Get readers onboard quicker.
Flush out those benefits.
Make the change that matters.
Have a positive impact.
Leave a legacy to be proud of.
Let’s get cracking.