To make change, be the change

You could call it a mid-life crisis.

I call it enlightenment.

No, I haven’t discovered religion. Or tofu. Or shoes (already got too many of those).

It’s better (what’s better than shoes?).

I’ve found purpose.

I’m 51 and I might only be writing for another 10 or 15 years. Hopefully more, but who knows. Duncan might decide we’re heading off to a commune in South America before that.

Until then, I will put my copywriting time to best use.

I have a skill.

I can write. But not only that.

I can get to grips with what people do. Quickly. Then I can sell what they do, in writing. Clearly. So other people understand, remember, share and take action!

I know, not rocket science. But useful.

Anything. Any client. Any sector.

I’ve been doing it for years; for engineers, manufacturers, designers, installers, practitioners, farmers and innovators.

But from now on; I will ALWAYS put that skill to the BEST use possible.

I figure I can have a much louder voice and have a far greater impact by writing clear, compelling copy for organisations doing great work; than I ever could by joining a march, petitioning or protesting.

I don’t know about you, but the bad news is sometimes overwhelming.

The injustice, violence, disparity and disaster.

The fear and frustration, paralysing.

So, it’s time to tell the good news, better.

Not to drown out the sorrow, but highlight the good that is already happening.

Making it more accessible.

This is me doing my bit for #change

Copywriting. Clarity. Language.

If you’re struggling to find the right words or you don’t have the time, get in touch


Nothing changes if nothing changes.


My brother-in-law said something nice!


12 things I’ve done on my copywriting break