Parliament Commendation
I was originally asked to write this article as a press release to show the Yacht Haven’s appreciation for their Troon team’s hard work in achieving the industry’s highly acclaimed 5 Gold Anchors.
The press release received so much interest in the Ayrshire press that the marina received a mention in Scottish Parliament and a visit from Siobhian Brown MSP.
“Lodged on 1st April 2022, the Parliamentary motion commended Troon Yacht Haven for their recent Five Gold Anchor Accreditation after a £1.5million investment in shoreside and pontoon facilities. The motion was supported by over 20 other MSPs.”
The press release also went up on the website as a blog.
Read the full blog here.
Feedback from Client:
Just sharing some good news from the Press Release. An MSP has picked up the story for a Parliamentary motion, plus:
Needless to say, the Troon team (and all of us) are chuffed to bits with the reach this story has had. Our aim was to ‘give Troon and the Troon team the credit they deserved’ so I can say with extreme confidence that this target was met!!