I love writing blogs
Do you?
I’d actually forgotten how much I love ‘em.
I’ve had my head down these last few weeks, writing websites, departmental messaging, decks and ads, so I haven’t had a blog on my list for ages.
But last week I had to write 4. For a re-commerce site I’m writing.
Once the client and I had agreed blog titles, I set about researching the topics.
Call me weird, but this is the bit I absolutely love.
Going off and investigating a subject you either know nothing or very little about. No preconceptions, no bias, just a completely blank canvas. That beautiful space of blank paper where I’m free to think creatively, ask questions, push harder, find that angle that hasn’t already been written a thousand times, and create something enjoyable (& valuable) to read!
So, for last week’s blogs, I hurtled head long into the world of sport.
Football. Tennis. Running, oh and fashion trainers.
As with most of my work, I’m completely over-excited about this project and promise to share once it’s live.
But for now, I need to pretend I’m enigmatic and keep you on tenterhooks.
Watch this space for updates.
In the meantime, if you dread writing your blogs, let me help. I can dip in as and when required or on a more regular basis. Monthly, weekly, termly?
I can write your news, views and updates in a more timely fashion.
I’ll chat to people, ring them up, conduct interviews, do the desk research, ask questions, find the angle and write the content; in your brand voice, not mine.
And if you don’t already have a brand (written) voice, I’ll create one for you.
Happy Monday Writing!
V x