Do something great

If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. If you value what you do, your business, your reputation and your customers, put a value on obtaining and retaining every single one of them.

That, right there, is your marketing budget!

If you value the perception your customer has of you, if you’d like them to remember you, to retain the information you leave with them and not defect to your competitor, then please, please, please put a value on the material you put together to sell whatever it is that you do or offer.

After all, if you pay peanuts ….. you know what you get ….

If you don’t value your marketing initiatives and spend accordingly on doing the best you possibly can, first time round, then you’ll end up spending twice as much in the long run. You’ll waste the money the first time around and then spend again trying to put a plaster over the mistakes. Initiatives won’t be as effective, messages won’t cut through the clutter and won’t achieve the results you were after in the first place.

If a client doesn’t ask for “great” it’s because they don’t really know what “great” looks like so it’s up to us to show them.


Focus on "Planet Kindness"


Horrible Pirate Content for the National Museum for the Royal Navy