Walk the talk
Taking a client brief in the traditional sense might mean sitting down, armed with pen/laptop, briefing form/list of questions and interviewing a client from across the table whilst laboriously taking notes.
Surely to encourage free thinking, this creative process lends itself to being conducted in a far more creative environment? McCann’s Creative Director (shall remain nameless) used to march his creative team around the streets of Bristol city centre to thrash around ideas, to encourage blue sky thinking. Not at any point did they stumble into “The Old Duke” (pub!) oh no, no … absolutely not! So, today a client and I met in our own beautiful creative surroundings: the sea wall.
It’s great to have the flexibility, and the confidence (that comes with experience) to interview a client, whilst walking our dogs. Chat about her business, her vision, what sets her apart, her customers, perception and thrash out which direction to take the business in.
We can discount the white noise and agree the approach, content and tone of voice when it comes to writing the content.
The product? That’s a surprise.
You’d be amazed what business can be done when you walk the talk!
Go on, get out there, it’s glorious.